Consultation Hub

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Featured Consultations & Surveys

  • Stamford Hill Design Guide Consultation

    Have your say on the Stamford Hill Design Guide Consultation We are now consulting on the draft Stamford Hill Area Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Please take a look at the Stamford Hill Area Draft Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and tell us what you think by completing this survey. Scroll down to "Online Survey" at the bottom of this page to have your say. We are also consulting on the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan alongside the Draft...

    Closes 19 July 2024

  • Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (Regulation 19) Consultation

    Have your say on the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan Consultation (regulation 19) We are now consulting on the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (AAP) Regulation 19. This has been informed by previous consultations, including the extended Regulation 18 consultation in 2021. The Regulation 19 consultation is the last stage of public engagement before submitting the draft plan to the Inspectorate for examination. Read the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (Regulation 19) ...

    Closes 19 July 2024

  • Gambling Statement of Principles Consultation (2024)

    Hackney Council is the Licensing Authority under the Gambling Act 2005. This gives the Council responsibility for issuing gambling premises licences and a range of permits to local operators. About Hackney’s draft revised gambling Statement of Principles In January 2007, the Council produced and published its gambling statement setting out the principles it would apply in deciding whether to grant or refuse applications. The gambling Statement of Principles seeks to promote the...

    Closes 4 August 2024

Closed Consultations & Surveys

  • Mutual Exchange Fair Feedback

    This survey is for all those who attended the Mutual Exchange Fair, held on Thursday 6th June at The Jack Dunning Community Hall. The Mutual Exchange Fair aimed to enable people to find out more about the range of opportunities for them to move through the national mutual exchange scheme,...

    Closed 23 June 2024

  • Town Hall Square

    What we’re doing Hackney Town Hall Square is the heart of Hackney Central, connecting the Grade II listed Hackney Town Hall, the iconic Hackney Empire, and essential community facilities like Hackney Central Library and the Hackney Museum. To enhance the square's potential, Hackney...

    Closed 16 June 2024

  • Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme - Public Engagement 2024

    Is there a local issue or area of concern that you would like Hackney Council to look at? Let us know, and teams of special, independent councillors may be able to investigate it. These themed investigations, part of a series that take place every year, look at how the Council and its partner...

    Closed 14 June 2024

  • Register for a Stamford Hill AAP and Design Guide consultation online meeting

    We're holding two online consultation meetings for the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan and Stamford Hill Design Guide consultations: Friday 17 May, 12–1.30pm Thursday 13 June, 6–7.30pm To register for the meeting, click "register here" at the end of this page. You can also use...

    Closed 13 June 2024

  • De Beauvoir Phase 2 Final Exhibition Questionnaire

    With the first phase of new homes at De Beauvoir already receiving planning permission, we're now presenting our plans for phase two, informed by input from local residents. These include 148 new homes and commercial spaces, on the site of Trinity Court, the Queensbridge and De Beauvoir...

    Closed 2 June 2024

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

We asked you to tell us what you thought of adult advocacy services in Hackney. We wanted to know what worked well, what didn't and what we could do to improve things.

You said

You told us that there were a number of areas for improvement. We have taken your feedback on board and will be procuring a new service that better meets the needs of residents who use advocacy services, especially our vulnerable residents. You can see the full report here: Advocacy Services report

Some of the things you told us were:

  • Advocacy should be accessible and culturally appropriate.
  • Advocacy should challenge (systemic) inequalities and support the borough’s most vulnerable residents.
  • Increase the amount of advocates for patients to see as this is too important.

We did

In response to what you told us:

  • We have worked hard to ensure that we offer a service that meets the needs of those who require the service and reflective of Hackney’s population. This contract will widen the scope of deliver with training and development both for community organisations and communities to be able to deliver advocacy in a way which is fully accessible and appropriate
  • We agree and will ensure effective data capture, identify trends and gaps in delivery and act on them. We will also train communities and develop the offer for underserved residents to ensure we maximise support
  • We are looking at training more people from the local communities as advocates to help increase advocate numbers. There will also be opportunities for communities to participate in alternative forms of advocacy.

We asked

We asked for your feedback on Hackney’s draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-26 which will set out the borough’s health and wellbeing priorities over the next four years.

You said

In total, 229 respondents took part in the survey. Overall, the majority of respondents stated that they agree with the suggested actions for each of the three priorities, improving mental health, increasing social connection and supporting greater financial security.

We did

As a result of the consultation we are developing an action plan using your responses to the priority actions, suggestions for additional actions and suggestions for who the Health and Wellbeing Board should work with on these actions.

For more information, please visit 

We asked

We asked you for feedback on our design proposals to improve the play area in Clapton Square.  

You said

24 local children, young people and families fed into the design process, helping to shape a set of designs to take out to public consultation. A further 101 people fed back on the design proposals, which included installing new equipment and creating a new entrance and a pathway.

Read the consultation report

We did

As a result of the consultation we are introducing more challenging equipment for older children. We are also reviewing the amount of sand on site, the surfacing underneath equipment, the design of the climbable entrance and solutions to make the shelter more welcoming and less of a focus for anti social behaviour.  

Work will start in autumn 2022.