Consultation Hub

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Featured Consultations & Surveys

  • CYP Smoking and Vaping

    Thank you for taking part in this survey which is about smoking and vaping among young people aged 12-24 in the City of London and London Borough of Hackney (City and Hackney). Completing this survey should take you around 5-10 minutes. The survey has been developed by the City and Hackney Public Health team to better understand the experiences of young people. We will use this information to help prevent the uptake of smoking and vaping among young people and to improve the support...

    Closes 1 April 2025

  • Help shape the future of transport in Hackney

    Transport affects everyone - whether you travel by foot, public transport or car. It connects us with work, friends and essential services, influencing where we live, work and go to school. It impacts our health, the environment, and the mobility of vulnerable people, such as children and the elderly. Transport in Hackney Hackney is leading the way in sustainable transport in the UK, with record levels of walking and cycling, low traffic zones at nearly every primary school,...

    Closes 9 June 2025

  • Contraception Choices

    Hackney Council on behalf of the City and Hackney NHS Neighbourhoods team is looking to better understand people’s contraceptive choices. In particular, we would like to learn about reasons for choosing emergency contraception, and knowledge and information about long acting contraception, such as implants and coils. The survey is anonymous, and your honest responses can help us improve how we communicate about contraception options, and help others make informed...

    Closes 20 April 2025

Closed Consultations & Surveys

  • Orwell Court and Welshpool Street Development Proposal- Stage 2

    Hackney Council is continuing its housing programme to deliver around 400 new homes across 14 locations, including Orwell Court and Welshpool Street. This programme, consulted on in July last year, is part of our ongoing commitment to start building or support the construction of 1,000 new homes...

    Closed 18 March 2025

  • Community Safety Partnership Survey- Strategic Assessment and Priorities

    Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) (formerly known as Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships) were formed in 1998 under the Crime and Disorder Act. They bring local partners together to develop and implement local strategies to reduce crime, disorder, and antisocial behaviour (ASB) in their...

    Closed 16 March 2025

  • Parkside Development Proposal - Resident Questionnaire

    The Parkside Estate car park, garage site and multi-use games area is one of 14 locations across Hackney that will make up a new programme to build around 400 new homes. 75% of the new homes will be Council homes for social rent and prioritised for local residents through our local lettings policy...

    Closed 9 March 2025

  • 28 Day Statutory Notice Period - Closure/Merger of Primary Schools

    Hackney Council is consulting on changes that would affect up to six primary schools. This is because the significant fall in pupil numbers has caused the financial position of some of the borough’s schools to worsen to the point that it is no longer possible for the Council to maintain them. ...

    Closed 5 March 2025

  • VCS Strategy Refresh and Grants Programme Redesign

    VCS Strategy We’re refreshing our Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy 2019 - 2022 . The current strategy is high-level and long-term. It visualises the sector’s future and explores what we need to continue to thrive. This means much of what we found through engagement is still...

    Closed 3 March 2025

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

We asked you to tell us what you thought of adult advocacy services in Hackney. We wanted to know what worked well, what didn't and what we could do to improve things.

You said

You told us that there were a number of areas for improvement. We have taken your feedback on board and will be procuring a new service that better meets the needs of residents who use advocacy services, especially our vulnerable residents. You can see the full report here: Advocacy Services report

Some of the things you told us were:

  • Advocacy should be accessible and culturally appropriate.
  • Advocacy should challenge (systemic) inequalities and support the borough’s most vulnerable residents.
  • Increase the amount of advocates for patients to see as this is too important.

We did

In response to what you told us:

  • We have worked hard to ensure that we offer a service that meets the needs of those who require the service and reflective of Hackney’s population. This contract will widen the scope of deliver with training and development both for community organisations and communities to be able to deliver advocacy in a way which is fully accessible and appropriate
  • We agree and will ensure effective data capture, identify trends and gaps in delivery and act on them. We will also train communities and develop the offer for underserved residents to ensure we maximise support
  • We are looking at training more people from the local communities as advocates to help increase advocate numbers. There will also be opportunities for communities to participate in alternative forms of advocacy.

We asked

We asked for your feedback on Hackney’s draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-26 which will set out the borough’s health and wellbeing priorities over the next four years.

You said

In total, 229 respondents took part in the survey. Overall, the majority of respondents stated that they agree with the suggested actions for each of the three priorities, improving mental health, increasing social connection and supporting greater financial security.

We did

As a result of the consultation we are developing an action plan using your responses to the priority actions, suggestions for additional actions and suggestions for who the Health and Wellbeing Board should work with on these actions.

For more information, please visit 

We asked

We asked you for feedback on our design proposals to improve the stream play area and the southern play area adjacent to Cowper Road in Butterfield Green.

You said

37 local children, young people and families fed into the design process, helping to shape a set of designs to take out to public consultation. A further 100 people fed back on the design proposals, which included improvements to the stream area, installing new equipment and making the landscape more playable.

Read the consultation report

We did

As a result of the consultation we have made a number of design changes including providing additional swings and monkey bars in the southern play area.

Work is planned to begin on building the play areas autumn 2022.