Adult Social Services: Have your Say
Have you come to Adult Social Services for help for yourself or someone you care for? Can you spare 1 ½ hours? Help us at Hackney Council to measure how we do. We want to understand what a good service means for you so we can check what we are doing well and what we can do better.
How can I help?
Come to one of our groups with other service users or carers. Tell us what a good service looks like for you.
When and where are the groups?
- At 11 am on 18th July at Hackney Town Hall OR
- At 11 am on 19th July online
You can choose which one you want to come to. Each group is 1 ½ hours with a break in the middle. You will chat with us and other service users to tell us about services that are easy to access, preventative, personal to you, and good quality and safe. You can also write down or draw your thoughts.
You can share as much as little as you like about your own experience in the group. We will not use any names when writing our plan.
You will receive a £20 High Street voucher for taking part.
Who are the groups for?
We want to speak to people who have experience of Adult Social Services. This may be in Hackney or in another area. You may have contacted Adult Social Services once or have had a service from them.
Examples of help you might have had from Adult Social Services:
- You have had advice from Adult Services on where you can get help with your social needs or help for someone you care for.
- A social worker has assessed your needs for services.
- You have had help to get supported housing.
- You have had help to find residential care.
- You have had respite care.
- You go to or have been to a day centre organised by Adult Services.
- You have had support from a social worker to deal with a crisis.
- You go to or have been to activities that have been organised by Adult Social Services, such as sports groups or hobbies.
- You have a support worker who stays with you in your home or comes out with you.
- You have had help with aids and adaptations in your home.
- You have had support for a disability.
- You have had help from an occupational therapist.
- You have had support when you came out of hospital.
- The person you care for has had one or more of the services in this list.
How do I sign up?
To sign up for a group fill in the survey below. Please also let us know if you want to be involved but cannot come to either of the groups.
What happens next
We will contact you from 13th June to tell you more about what we will do in the groups and to find out more about any accessibility needs you have.
- Gathering ideas
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