Family & Friends Homecare Questionnaire
Hackney Council is committed to improving its Home Care services by seeking feedback from service users, their families and friends.
Home Care is the term used to describe services provided at home to support someone to live independently; providing a bit of extra support around the home, for example, with personal care or mobility or to promote your independence and quality of life. Home Care can also be referred to as Dom Care or home help.
We would appreciate you taking 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire if you have a friend or family member (who is over 18) currently receiving Home Care. Your contribution will help to improve our local provision.
There is an opportunity at the end of the questionnaire for you to provide your contact details if you would like to help us shape this service further, such as supporting the design of the service, participating in focus group discussions or interviewing organisations who may deliver the care. Unless you specifically ask us to contact you, your response will be totally anonymous.
Many thanks
Older People and Long Term Conditions Commissioning Team, Hackney Council
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