Haggerston Park Audrey Street School Removal Options

Closed 10 Jul 2022

Opened 30 May 2022


In September 2017 a temporary school was erected in a hardstanding area on the edge of Haggerston Park whilst a permanent new school (City of London Academy) was built in Shoreditch Park.

The temporary school is located on the eastern boundary of Haggerston Park. The land has not been fully open for public use for many years. After being used as a depot by the Council’s parks team, it housed a temporary school for a year in 2007. After that it was used by Hackney BMX Club as a storage space and by a growing club, who kept a number of raised beds there. The BMX storage has since been moved to another section of the park and the raised beds have been moved to the Orchard growing area.

The permanent City of London Academy is now open at Shoreditch Park and the Council’s Education Facilities team are preparing to hand the land back to the Parks and Green Spaces Service. We are keen to hear what you would like this area of the park to look like once the temporary school is removed.

The options presented are based on the commitments in the new Parks and Green Spaces Strategy, and the ideas and feedback from local residents and park users gathered during informal engagement sessions in November 2021.

What happens next

Thank you for sharing your views and taking part in this survey.

We will collate the information that has now been shared with us and will be in contact shortly to update you on next steps.


  • Parks & green spaces