Health and Wellbeing in Hackney
Results updated 16 Sep 2021
Thank you for your interest in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy
The engagement phase for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy closed on 15th September 2021.
During mid september- early November 2021 we will be spending time writing an insight report, based on the findings from our engagement phase and looking at the evidence surrounding these themes to inform our priorities in the new Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
We hope to publish our draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy for consultation in mid November. Please visit our website after mid November to provide your views on our draft strategy.
Many thanks
City and Hackney Public Health Team
Hackney's Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out the councils priority areas of focus and outlines how organisations across Hackney (such as NHS, Hackney Council, voluntary and community sector, and businesses) will work together to improve people’s health in the borough over the next four years (2022-2026).
To ensure we have a good understanding of the health & wellbeing issues that impact our community, we want to speak with people who live, work, study and or travel regularly to Hackney. In exchange for your time completing this survey, you will be entered into a lottery for the chance to win a £150 High Street voucher.
This survey will take most people approximately 25-30 minutes to complete and asks questions about you and your family/friends experiences in key areas that have been shown to impact our health and wellbeing. The questions ask you to reflect on where you live, access to and experiences of health and care services, healthy behaviours, and wider factors that can impact our health and wellbeing, such as housing, employment, education, transport and the environment surrounding us.
Feedback from local people and organisations working in the borough will be reviewed and used to develop a list of priorities for the health and wellbeing strategy.
- Health and wellbeing
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