Mayor's Office Review Consultation
A review of the Mayor’s Office was commissioned by the Chief Executive in September 2017 as part of a wider restructure of the Chief Executive’s Directorate. The review is being led by Stephen Haynes, Director of Strategy, Policy & Economic Development, as the Director responsible for the service. Stephen attended LPG in May 2018 to provide an update on the review; his presentation can be viewed here.
The desired outcomes of the review are set out in the presentation, and include:
A high performing and collaborative support function that works to meet the strategic and administrative needs of the Mayor and Cabinet through effective use of resources
A service that coordinates and drives the delivery of key Mayoral objectives though working in partnership
Ensuring that Mayor and Cabinet casework is managed and delivered in a highly effective way
The review aims to build on the strengths of the existing team, address areas for development identified through discussions with the team, Cabinet, and senior officers earlier in the year, and ensure the team reflects the needs of the current administration. This includes providing some additional resource to the team, in recognition of the increased support needs of the Mayor and Cabinet following the change of administration and increase in Cabinet.
Why your views matter
The aim of this survey is to solicit the views of Cabinet on individual support requirements, to inform the responsibilities and work priorities of roles within the new structure. The proposed structure is set out below, with all posts in green offering support to Cabinet. In particular, this survey will help inform development of the support function within the team.
- Understanding views
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