Help us to develop Children & Family Hubs

Closed 20 Jan 2023

Opened 25 Nov 2022

Results updated 14 Apr 2023

Hackney Council spoke with over 200 parents, carers and families, with the aim of gathering insight on the services service users currently access, what works well and where there are gaps in provision, and what service users will need from children and family hubs.

This insight, captured in the Children and Family Hubs Engagement Report, will help develop new ways of working for families and their children until they reach the age of 19, or 25 in the case of young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 



We want your help to develop exciting plans that will bring together support for families, children and young people in a new, more joined-up way.

‘Children and Family Hubs’ will offer help and support to families from conception up until age 19 (or 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities- SEND). The hubs will see professionals and services from right across the Council, as well as from the health, community and voluntary sectors, working together to provide high-quality, cohesive and tailored support for families. This provision may include a virtual as well as in person offer.

We need the help of local people who use our services currently, or who may use these services in the future to tell us what they need from Children and Family hubs.

We have been delivering a series of workshops gathering the views of parents of children aged 0-19 (up to 25 with SEND). To add to this rich insight, we want to hear what you need from hubs.

If you have any questions about Children and Family Hubs, please see the Children and Family Hubs Frequently Asked Questions.

If you need support to complete this form please contact your local children's centre or email

If you need any information on this survey in a different format please email We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 5 working days.


  • Children and young people