Take Part: Children & Family Hubs Workshops
Results updated 8 May 2023
Hackney Council spoke with over 200 parents, carers and families, with the aim of gathering insight on the services service users currently access, what works well and where there are gaps in provision, and what service users will need from children and family hubs.
This insight, captured in the Children and Family Hubs Engagement Report, will help develop new ways of working for families and their children until they reach the age of 19, or 25 in the case of young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
- Children and Family Hubs Engagement Report.pdf, 886.3 KB (PDF document)
Hackney Council is asking residents to help us develop exciting plans that will bring together support for families, children and young people in a new, more joined-up way. Children and Family Hubs will be a ‘one stop shop’ through which help and support for the whole family - from conception, throughout the early years, and into early adulthood - will be offered.
We want service users to sign up to help develop Children & Family hubs.
We need the help of local people who use our services currently, or who may use these services in the future to tell us what they need from Children and Family hubs.
We are primarily looking to work with the following groups:
- Parents & families of young children aged 0-5
- Parents & families with children eligible for free early years entitlement
- Parents & families of school children aged 6-11
- Parents & families of school children aged 12-16
- Parents & families of older children aged 17-19
- Parents & families of children and young people with SEND of all ages
- Fathers
- Single parents
- Working parents
Please be aware that signing up does not guarantee you will be selected to take part as we have a limited number of workshop spaces. During the selection process, participant sign-up details will be anonymised.
Participants will selected to ensure that workshops are representative of the many communities in Hackney.
In addition to workshops we will work directly with community groups to ensure diverse voices and experiences are represented.
The children and young people's workshops will take place in-person and the parents and carers workshops will take place online, in the evening. Participants will be compensated for their time and contributions.
Children and young people will be engaged with through schools and youth hubs. If you have any questions about this engagement please contact familyhubs@hackney.gov.uk
Please complete the following questions. Your responses will help us to select representative workshop groups.
If you have any questions about Children & Family hubs, please see the Children & Family Hubs Frequently Asked Questions.
If you need support to complete this form please contact your local children's centre or email familyhubs@hackney.gov.uk.
Prospective workshop dates:
Please note that the following dates are not confirmed
- Thursday 27th October
- Monday 31st October
- Thursday 3rd November
- Monday 7th November
- Children and young people
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