Infant Feeding Survey

Closed 21 Aug 2023

Opened 28 Jun 2023


Hackney Council will be enhancing breastfeeding support and developing a community-based Infant Feeding Peer Support Service. 

The below survey has 15 questions and takes up to 10 minutes to complete; please can you complete by the 21st August 2023.

We would like to hear from parents of children aged 0-2 years about their experiences of breastfeeding and infant feeding support to inform the design of this service and to ensure it meets your needs.

We are looking to hear from mothers, breastfeeding parents and parents who may have accessed breastfeeding support through breastfeeding or infant feeding services. As part of this, we would also like to hear about the experiences of fathers.

If you are interested in opportunities to become an Infant Feeding Peer Supporter after September 2023 please provide your contact details and we will send you more information later on in the year. For further information please contact:

We appreciate your time and insight. Thank you for your help and support.


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