Survey of potential FGM Services for Hackney

Closed 19 Sep 2014

Opened 30 Jul 2014

Results updated 1 Oct 2014

Thank you for completing the survey on Potential FGM Services for Hackney.

We are currently analysing survey responses and hope to publish a report with our findings within the next three months.


In July 2013, we were successful in our application for a grant from the “Local Vision” systems leadership programme. The bid, from the Public Health Team and the Health and Well Being Board, aims to identify the required system change for reducing the risk of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) faced by girls and women in Hackney and to identify the services that might be needed by women who have experienced it.  

This work can only be successful if it includes hearing the views of the affected communities in Hackney. Therefore, the aim of the survey is to help us to hear the views of the community and voluntary sector organisations on which services they believe are required locally.


  • BAREtruth Theatre presents Little Stitches - Four plays about FGM

    From 2 Sep 2014 at 18:00 to 2 Sep 2014 at 19:30

    BAREtruth brings together four writers to explore the human stories behind the estimated 66,000 women affected by FGM each year in the UK.

    Location: Hackney Central Library, 1 Reading Lane, London E8 1DY

    Cost: This event is free and open to everyone.

    Come along and share your views on what is needed to reduce FGM in Hackney and what services are needed to support women.


  • Understanding views
  • Children and young people
  • Community safety
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Voluntary sector
  • Voluntary and community sector organisations
  • Volunteering