21 Century Streets
Results updated 21 Nov 2020
Following the workshop, below you can find the presentation on the Growing Up in Hackney SPD and the 21st Century Street project.
To download the file, please click the >> tab and select download.
Thank you for your interest in taking part in the 21 Century Streets online workshop on Wednesday 18 November from 6.00-7.30pm.
As a part of our broad vision for this scheme, we intend to deliver a new, green space, cycle parking, electric vehicle charging, a School Street, and an increase of tree canopy cover to 40% along Colvestone Crescent. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown, the Streetscene team has appointed a project architect - Studio Weave - and we are working together to develop our consultation and engagement plans to ensure we can proceed with the scheme.
To take part in the online workshop, please fill out the survey below and we will send you a secure link along with the agenda and more information about what we will cover during the event.
If you are unable to attend the event, please fill out the survey and sign up to receive project information and invitations to future events.
- Gathering ideas
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