Good Growth Fund: Delivering improvements to Ridley Road and Ashwin Street

Closed 27 Jul 2021

Opened 22 Jun 2021


We’re committed to investing in Ridley Road Market for the long-term and delivering a fair recovery from the pandemic in Dalston. As a part of this commitment, we are match-funding the £770,000 Mayor of London’s Good Growth fund awarded to Dalston to deliver £1.5m of improvements in the market and Ashwin Street.

The final proposals for the market and improvements in nearby Ashwin Street have been designed in collaboration with the market’s traders over the last year, to help create a greener, safer, and more accessible market for residents, local businesses, shoppers, and visitors. We have also worked with Ashwin Street businesses to develop the proposals.

Below you will find a copy of the final proposals. The document outlines:

  • The project's objectives;
  • Engagement and feedback; and
  • The final designs, layouts, and proposed improvements, including images.

Please review this document and let us know your thoughts. To download to the proposals, please click the double arrows on the top right-hand side of the document and press the download button.

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This consultation closed on 27 July 2021

The consultation summary report can be viewed here

What happens next

Implementation is planned to start in September 2021 and will last for up to 10 months. The streetscene and markets teams are working with Ridley Road Traders’ Association and Ashwin Street businesses to develop an implementation plan to ensure as little disruption as possible to trading.


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