Nye Bevan Estate Concierge Consultation - November 2020

Closed 4 Jan 2021

Opened 26 Nov 2020


In June 2018, Clapton Park Management Board made the decision to hand the concierge service (run by a company called Horizon) on 53-98 Nye Bevan Estate back to Hackney Council. In August 2019 Horizon ceased trading before any new arrangements could be put in place. There has been no service since then. 

In order for the Council to ensure consistency, quality and transparency of service at Nye Bevan, we will need to bring it in line with all the other blocks in Hackney that use our concierge services if the concierge service is reinstated. Hackney Council’s current approved contractor that supplies concierge services in it’s other blocks is Complete Integrated Solutions (CIS) Security. 

The costs of the concierge contract between the Council and CIS is different to the rate originally paid to Horizon.  As with all blocks with a concierge, the costs of that service need to be met by the residents living in that block. Due to these changes in costs the Council wishes to consult with residents living at 53-98 Nye Bevan Estate about this so that we can make an informed decision about the future of the service.  

There are three options for the proposed concierge service in your block; each with different hours (and therefore weekly costs):


Weekly cost per household for all leaseholders and council tenants paying full rent:

Daily 24 Hour Service - £54.32

Daily 16 Hour Service - £36.20

Daily 12 Hour Service - £27.16


Residents in receipt of benefits:

Tenants on full Housing Benefit, or who receive the full Housing element of Universal Credit do not currently have to pay for the service. However it is important to note that this may change if the status of your benefits changes or if there are any changes to Welfare reforms in the future.

Tenants who receive a partial Housing Benefit payment may have to pay a discounted weekly cost towards the service, depending on how much they receive and what other sources of income they may have. This will vary from case to case. If you think this will affect you then please speak with the Benefits Team on 020 8356 3399.

Why your views matter

The Council is consulting with residents who live on 53-98 Nye Bevan Estate about the concierge service that was previously managed by Clapton Park Management Board. Currently there is no concierge service in the block and we would like to find out if residents wish to have this reinstated.

What happens next

The responses from the consultation will be collated and used to inform the final decision made by the Council. A letter will be posted to all residents in the block informing them of the final outcome by the end of March 2021, together with details of when the services will be put in place.

The decision will also be published on this page.


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