Have your say on how we allocate homes and support people in housing need - Online sessions registration
To view the full consultation, visit: https://consultation.hackney.gov.uk/communications-and-consultation/have-your-say-on-how-we-allocate-homes-and-support
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the consultation drop-in sessions are being held online. These events will take place during January and February, when you can put your questions to officers from the Benefits and Housing Needs Service.
Please register using the registration form below.
The sessions will be held on Zoom, where we will be presenting the consultation proposals and answering questions from participants. If you have particular questions that you would like the team to answer, please do let us know in your registration form. You will also be sent a link to ask questions in advance, and you will also be able to ask questions during the sessions using the chat function.
Registration will close one day before the event and a joining link will be sent to you on the day of the event. Please note there is a limited number of participants we can accommodate for each session.
Sessions will take place on the following days:
Session 1: Tuesday 12 January 2021, 7pm–8.30pm - This session is now fully booked
Session 2: Wednesday 27 January 2021, 12 noon–1.30pm
Session 3: Tuesday 9 February 2021, 6pm–7.30pm
Session 4: Wednesday 24 February 2021, 4.30pm–6pm
If you would like to discuss the consultation proposals and you are not able to take part in the online sessions, you can speak to someone by calling 020 8356 2929.
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