HEARING SEND VOICES - a co-design Launch

Closed 24 Jun 2018

Opened 29 May 2018




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Welcome to the Hearing SEND voices - a co-design launch event registration page. The community event will be held at central Hackney location on Tuesday 26th June, from 6.30-8.00pm. Those taking part will be asked to discuss key issues in small groups in a ‘roundtable’ setting. Your feedback will help to shape Council policies around SEND and will also inform the work of a new SEND Co-design working group. The event will be chaired by Anne Canning, Group director for Children, Adults and Community Health, and Cllr Kennedy, the newly appointed cabinet member for families, early years and play, with responsibility of overseeing SEND.

Why your views matter

This event will let you share your experiences of SEND provision in the borough and your ideas for what services might look like in the future, in the face of on-going Government funding freezes for these vital services. Once you have signed up to the event, your place will be confirmed and details of the venue and other relevant information will be sent out. On this page you will also be able to sign up to the co-design working group. This group will be independently chaired and will comprise of Hackney Learning Trust staff, teachers, SENCOs, local groups and parents. The group will meet on a number of occasions over the next six months, usually in the evenings, to discuss various issues relating to SEND and to discuss ways forward, hear evidence from a range of key stakeholders and formulate proposals. If you are interested in putting your name forward to join this group, you can sign up below. Once we have received your details will we send you further information on how to get involved.


  • Gathering ideas