Council finances and budget communications campaign - Part 2
The Council, like our residents, is facing increased costs of goods and services plus we continue to experience rising demand for vital services for some of our more vulnerable residents. These pressures taken alongside real term funding reductions of over 40% since 2010 place immense strain on Council resources.
To address these financial challenges, the Council must make significant savings now and over the next few years to ensure we can continue to deliver key services and support those who need us most.
In February 2024, the Council agreed a balanced budget for April 2024 - April 2025, but it will need to find more than £50m in further savings over the next three years.
We would like those who live and work in the borough to tell us what they currently know about the Council’s budget so we can keep you better informed about how the council works; how services are funded; and how and why we prioritise where our money is spent.
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