Hackney Central station gateway
Consultation is expected to begin in Autumn 2023
“Hackney Central station (or at least the approach to it) needs drastically improving to welcome visitors from outside the area. It would also greatly improve the experience for commuters and make Hackney Central a more viable place to work long-term.”
What we’re doing
Hackney Central station is the main arrival point for many people into the town centre, used by tens of thousands of people every day. The station has three entrances including the entrance from Amhurst Car Park.
We’re proposing to transform Amhurst Road car park to create a better welcome into Hackney Central and make it easier to access the town centre, and provide new facilities that reflect how people have told us they want to get about in Hackney Central.
Why we’re doing it
We’ve heard from residents and businesses that the arrival points into the town centre and public spaces around the stations are a negative reflection on the area.
There’s huge potential to improve these gateways, complementing the proposed new green corridor through the area and the recent investment to create a second entrance at Hackney Central station.
How we’re doing it
In April 2023 we surveyed pedestrians travelling through Amhurst Road car park on what improvements they would like to see. Among the ideas suggested were footway resurfacing, more greenery and cycle parking, cleanliness and better lighting and improved crossings. We have also spoken to businesses with direct access from the car park how they use and would like to use the space.
Our proposals include:
- Giving pedestrians priority, creating a space which prioritises those arriving by foot with enjoyable, accessible and direct walking routes
- New cycle parking facilities
- Shared mobility facilities with the opportunity to hire bikes and electric cars for onward journeys
- New green spaces providing shade and drainage
- Information for visitors such as wayfinding and signage
- Charging facilities for electric vehicles
Hackney Central is changing event
From 23 Sep 2023 at 11:00 to 23 Sep 2023 at 14:00Join us in Hackney Town Hall Square to meet the team at our Hackney Central pop-up
- Hackney Central
- Greener Hackney Central
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