Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Consultation
The publication of a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, by Lead Local Flood Authorities, is a statutory requirement of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA). As the London Borough of Hackney is the Lead Local Flood Authority for the Borough, we are responsible for the production and publication of this document.
Section 9 of the FWMA (2010), states that each Lead Local Flood Authority in England must produce a document to show how local flood risk will be managed within the area. Sub-section 4 specifies what the strategy must cover as follows:
The strategy must specify:
(a) the risk management authorities in the authority’s area,
(b) the flood and coastal erosion risk management functions that may be exercised by those authorities in relation to the area,
(c) the objectives for managing local flood risk (including any objectives included in the authority’s flood risk management plan prepared in accordance with the Flood Risk Regulations 2009),
(d) the measures proposed to achieve those objectives,
(e) how and when the measures are expected to be implemented,
(f) the costs and benefits of those measures, and how they are to be paid for,
(g) the assessment of local flood risk for the purpose of the strategy,
(h) how and when the strategy is to be reviewed, and
(i) how the strategy contributes to the achievement of wider environmental objectives.
The Strategy is an important new tool to help understand and manage flood risk within Hackney. The management of flood risk in Hackney will be marked by better knowledge of the risks in the region, better co-operation between organisations involved in flood risk management and better communication with the public about those risks and what can be done. One of the key purposes of this Strategy is to highlight the steps that are to be taken to ensure the above points are established and are operational.
How does the Flood Risk Management Strategy affect residents?
The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA) places a responsibility upon Local Authorities, as Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs), to develop, maintain, apply and monitor a strategy for local flood risk management (a ‘Local Strategy’). The Local Strategy forms the framework within which communities have a greater say in local risk management decisions. In combination with the National Strategy, the Local Strategies encourage more effective risk management by enabling people, communities, business and the public sector to work together to:
- Ensure a clear understanding of the risks of flooding and erosion, nationally and locally, so that investment in risk management can be prioritised more effectively;
- Set out clear and consistent plans for risk management so that communities and businesses can make informed decisions about the management of the residual risk;
- Encourage innovative management of flood and coastal erosion risks, taking account of the needs of communities and the environment;
- Form links between the local flood risk management strategy and local spatial planning;
- Ensure that emergency plans and responses to flood incidents are effective and that communities are able to respond properly to flood warnings; and
- Help communities to recover more quickly and effectively after incidents.
It will do this by acting as the evidence base for the decisions and actions required for managing flood risk.
Why your views matter
It is a requirement of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 that the Council, as Lead Local Flood Authority, consults with identified key stakeholders. These stakeholders include other risk management authorities involved in water related matters, such as Thames Water and the Environment Agency. Other statutory consultees include neighbouring boroughs, Transport for London and the general public. The Strategy is a framework document, individual projects arising from the Strategy will be subject to local consultation, where required.
While the Council has designated a specific period for this formal consultation, it should be noted that the Strategy is intended to be a living document and subject to amendment, periodically, as required. Amendments are subject to approval by Group Director Neighbourhoods and Housing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Sustainability.
Have Your Say
You can have your say on this consultation by completing the online survey, e-mailing floodsandsuds@hackney.gov.uk or by calling 020 8356 4111 to request a paper copy of the consultation. The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy is available to view in the Related Documents section below.
- Understanding views
- Gathering ideas
- Community safety
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