London Fields outdoor gym consultation

Closed 1 Jul 2016

Opened 23 May 2016

Results updated 13 Oct 2016

A consultation report outlining the responses to the consultation has now been published. Please click below to access this. 



Over the last 12 months the Council has received a number of enquiries relating to the creation of a dedicated outdoor gym within London Fields. Currently, users are exercising on outdated apparatus within the park’s southern play area. The Council has identified an area at the southern end of the park as a possible location for the new equipment which would be comprised of fixed exercise equipment such as parallel and pull up bars (see map below). The proposals also include the removal of the outdated gym equipment. 


Why your views matter

As London Fields is Common Land, consent is required from the Planning Inspectorate before making changes, such as installing new equipment and changing park layouts.
Hackney Council would like you to have your say on the proposals before submitting an application for Common Land consent to the Planning Inspectorate.



  • Drop-in event at London Fields

    From 3 Jun 2016 at 08:30 to 3 Jun 2016 at 14:00

    To find out more about the proposals and have you say, please attend this drop-in at the Broadway Market entrance to London Fields.

  • Drop-in event at London Fields

    From 4 Jun 2016 at 11:00 to 4 Jun 2016 at 16:00

    To find out more about the proposals and have you say, please attend this drop-in at the Broadway Market entrance to London Fields.


  • Hackney Central
  • London Fields


  • Community groups/ organisations
  • VCS groups/ organisations
  • Residents
  • Service users
  • Non-service users
  • General public


  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Parks & green spaces