'Love Hackney' Magazine
Results updated 6 Mar 2023
- Love Hackney Consultation - Summary Report.pdf, 736.7 KB (PDF document)
'Love Hackney' is the Council’s new publication which replaces 'Hackney Today', 'Hackney Life' and 'Our Homes'.
The motivation behind creating one magazine was to make communicating with our residents more streamlined, and to create a stronger brand recognition.
We have worked with residents' feedback to produce a magazine that we are confident has a much stronger brand identity and contains all the elements our residents need and like, but we are really keen to hear your views now that a few issues have been released, so we can ensure it is a popular and useful magazine we intend it to be for residents.
We would appreciate your time to complete the following survey questions to help inform our decisions going forward.
You can view digital versions of the magazine using the links below before answering the questions (these will open on a new page):
- Understanding views
- Gathering ideas
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