Nye Bevan Estate Concierge Consultation
Please note that this link is for the original consultation for a Concierge Service at 53-98 Nye Bevan Estate.
Ufortunately due to the low response we have relaunched the consultation to give any residents who didn't respond the first time to have their views heard.
Putting in a Concierge Service will have a cost implication for residents, so it’s vital that those affected let us know if they are happy with the proposals. The link to the updated consultation is here:
Nye Bevan Estate Concierge Service - November 2020
This consultation will run from 30 November 2020 - 4 January 2021. If the response rate is low again, then we will analyse the results that we do receive and a decision will be taken by the Council based on those results.
Why your views matter
The Council is consulting with residents who live on 53-98 Nye Bevan Estate about the concierge service that was previously managed by Clapton Park Management Board. Currently there is no concierge service in the block and we would like to find out if residents wish to have this reinstated.
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