Rhodes Estate Survey
Hackney Council is committed to supporting residents to understand the impact of having Rhodes as the name for your estate and community hall.
Residents came to us in 2020 requesting support having raised concerns about the name. This is due to its link with Cecil John Rhodes and his documented imperial exploitation and legacy of racial policies in Southern Africa. You can read about this here: Rhodes information leaflet
This survey is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts about removing the name, to consider the types of names already put forward, and for you to suggest further naming options. Naming guidance and draft longlist for Rhodes
Changing the name of your estate will not affect your postal address. However, not having a name for the estate is not an option.
Why your views matter
We want residents of the Rhodes Estate to help to direct future decisions about the name of the estate. The guidance note with criteria for excluding names (as followed by the Council when naming new streets and buildings) will help you to make your own naming suggestions for the estate and community hall.
A name is required for administrative purposes, and the management of the estate, by the Council. We would like the process of renaming to be resident-led. If the majority of respondents agree to remove the name, a transparent process, involving the TRA, residents, and ward councilors, will be used to find a new name.
Removing the name will provide an opportunity to consider alternative names that better represent Hackney and that we can connect with now and in the future. There will be further opportunities to discuss an alternative name should this be the outcome of the survey.
What happens next
The survey is now closed and we will inform residents of the results and the next steps by the end of March 2023.
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