Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (Regulation 19) Consultation
Have your say on the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan Consultation (regulation 19)
We are now consulting on the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (AAP) Regulation 19. This has been informed by previous consultations, including the extended Regulation 18 consultation in 2021.
The Regulation 19 consultation is the last stage of public engagement before
submitting the draft plan to the Inspectorate for examination.
Read the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (Regulation 19) before sharing your views. Scroll down to "Online Survey" at the bottom of this page to have your say.
You can also find out more about the Stamford Hill AAP and independent examination process by reading the Stamford Hill AAP Information Pack.
The documents are also available on the website to view at or at the libraries listed below:
- Stamford Hill Library, Portland Ave, London N16 6SB
- Clapton Library, Northwold Road, London E5 8RA
- Hackney Central Library, 1 Reading Ln, London E8 1GQ
Come to an drop-in session or consultation meeting:
- At Stamford Hill Library, Portland Avenue, N16 6SB
- Thursday 16 May, 4–7pm
- Tuesday 21 May, 4–7pm
- Thursday 6 June, 11am–3pm
- Monday 17 June, 4–7pm
- At Lea View Community Hall, Springfield Road, E5 9DX
- Wednesday 5 June, 11am–3pm
- At Sainsbury’s forecourt (outside 1 Amhurst Park N16 5LW)
- Tuesday 18 June, 3–7pm
- Register to attend an online consultation meeting:
- Friday 17 May, 12–1.30pm
- Thursday 13 June, 6–7.30pm
If you require this document in a different format, please email We will consider your request and get back to you in the next five working days.
Stamford Hill Design Guide Consultation
We are also consulting on the Stamford Hill Draft Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) alongside the Area Action Plan. If you wish to take part, please visit the Stamford Hill Draft Design Guide consultation.
Why your views matter
The Regulation 19 consultation is the last stage of public engagement before submitting the draft plan to the Inspectorate for examination.
The Stamford Hill AAP (Regulation 19 Publication Version), comments received on it, and all related evidence documents will then be submitted to the government for an independent examination. A Planning Inspector will be appointed to test the plan to establish whether it is ‘sound’. To be sound, a Plan needs to:
- meet the objectively assessed needs of an area
- be justified by evidence
- be able to be effectively implemented and
- should be consistent with national planning policies.
To ensure legal compliance, the plan should:
- have been prepared in accordance with our latest local development scheme
- be accompanied by a sustainability appraisal and habitat regulations assessment
- have a consultation carried out in accordance with our statement of community
- involvement
- comply with all relevant laws including the Town and Country
- Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
- be in general conformity with the London Plan.
Further information about this process please call 020 8356 8062 or visit:
Please read the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan (Regulation 19) before sharing your views.
What happens next
All written submissions received whether on the forms, separate emails or letters will be submitted to the Planning Inspector for examination along with the AAP as soon as possible after the close of consultation.
The process for the examinations is set in Local Plans: the examination process.
The Planning Inspectorate has produced a useful video, explaining the process, more simply.
- Planning
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