Register for a Stamford Hill AAP and Design Guide consultation online meeting

Closed 13 Jun 2024

Opened 7 May 2024


We're holding two online consultation meetings for the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan and Stamford Hill Design Guide consultations:

  • Friday 17 May, 12–1.30pm
  • Thursday 13 June, 6–7.30pm

To register for the meeting, click "register here" at the end of this page. You can also use the form to pre-submit any questions you might have.

You will be emailed with the meeting link before the session, along with instructions on how to join the meeting.


Alternatively, join us at an in-person engagement session:

At Stamford Hill Library, Portland Avenue, N16 6SB

  • Thursday 16 May, 4–7pm
  • Tuesday 21 May, 4–7pm
  • Thursday 6 June, 11am–3pm
  • Monday 17 June, 4–7pm

At Lea View Community Hall, Springfield Road, E5 9DX

  • Wednesday 5 June, 11am–3pm

At Sainsbury’s forecourt (outside 1 Amhurst Park N16 5LW)

  • Tuesday 18 June, 3–7pm

If you have any questions please contact

Visit Stamford Hill AAP Consultation or Stamford Hill Design Guide consultation to read the consultation proposals and have your say by 28 June 2024.


  • Cazenove
  • Springfield
  • Stamford Hill West


  • Business
  • Citizens' panel
  • Community groups/ organisations
  • Faith groups
  • Residents
  • General public


  • Planning