Town Hall Square: Designing Hackney's Square

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Closes 28 Jul 2024

Hackney Town Hall Square: Second Survey

We’ve been actively exploring community priorities for the redesign of Hackney Town Hall Square through targeted focus groups, alongside analysing submissions to our first survey, and studying the square in use.

Your valuable input has allowed us to identify several Priority Themes, which we’ve then translated into sets of emerging design principles. These will guide development of design proposals.

Now, we need your help to test and refine the emerging principles, to ensure they reflect the community's needs and aspirations for the square. Whether you participated in the first survey or are joining us for the first time, your feedback is vital to the next steps of our design process.

Over the next few pages, please take a moment to review each emerging principle and indicate its importance to you.

To inform your feedback, here are the Priority Themes listed in full. Each has its own page and set of principles to feedback on in the survey that follows.

  1. Take care of what we have: Maintaining and preserving existing features.
  2. Improve the trees and landscape: Enhancing green spaces with climate-resilient plants.
  3. Make it glow, and welcome the pedestrian: Improving lighting and highlighting architecture.
  4. Somewhere for everyone to feel they belong. Creating comfortable seating areas and making it easier to host events and gatherings.
  5. A different pace: Improving pedestrian and cyclist spaces, reducing vehicular traffic.
  6. Making space for children: Creating playful landscapes for informal play.
1. Did you participate in the first survey?