Your views on the Council's publications: 'Hackney Today, 'Hackney Life' and 'Our Homes'.

Closed 31 Mar 2020

Opened 3 Feb 2020

Results updated 11 Jun 2020



Hackney Council has produced Hackney Today, a fortnightly newspaper distributed to all homes and businesses in the borough, for nearly 20 years, providing news and information about Council services, decisions, events and opportunities. 

Last year, the High Court ruled that Hackney Today could no longer be published fortnightly, and must be published quarterly instead. Since then, the Council has trialled Hackney Life, an information publication that is published in months when Hackney Today is not published. Hackney Today also includes Our Homes, a pullout aimed at Council tenants and leaseholders. 


Why your views matter

The Council is now reviewing its print publications in light of the High Court judgement and to ensure that they reflect what Hackney’s residents want to be informed about – especially those who may not use or have access to digital channels.


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