Have you say about Summer activities for young people

Closed 23 Jan 2015

Opened 1 Dec 2014

Results expected 27 Feb 2015

Feedback expected 27 Mar 2015


We would like your feedback on the Summer Activities Guide, which is published annually, with details of hundreds of activities for young people during the summer holidays.  The activities included in the guide range from arts and culture to sports and play schemes.  Most of the activities listed are free of charge. 

The guide is distributed across the borough to youth centres, schools, libraries, council buildings and to homes free with copies of Hackney Today. 

You can view a copy of the Summer Activities Guide 2014 under Related Documents below

Why your views matter

We would like to know what you find most useful in the guide and how it can be improved for the future.  We would also like to know how you currently find out about activities for young people and how you would prefer to receive such information in future. 

Your feedback will help us to improve future editions of the guide and how we provide information about activities for young people. 

We will also be holding two focus groups in February 2015 to discuss how we provide information about activities for young people.  All participants will receive a £20 gift voucher, as reimbursement of expenses and a token of appreciation for their contribution. The discussion will last for about one hour and will take place at a convenient location.  We will also provide refreshments on the day. 


  • Understanding views
  • Children and young people