Help Shape Early Help In Hackney

Closed 31 Mar 2020

Opened 28 Jan 2020

Results updated 16 Feb 2023



We are currently reviewing how we approach children's and young people's Early Help services at Hackney Council and we want residents' and partners' feedback on what would make an effective Early Help offer for people in the borough.

Early Help is a mix of opportunities and support designed to help children, young people and their families to maintain good health and wellbeing, to develop the skills and resilience that will help them thrive in life, and manage challenges they may be facing at home, at school, or out in the community.

The Early Help currently offered by the Council includes provisions for:

  • Children's centres. These provide a broad range of universal services, e.g. early education and childcare, stay and play sessions for young children and family learning and employment support for parents.  They also offer targeted family support and parenting programmes through Multi-Agency Teams (MATs).
  • The Family Support Service.  A Council service which does targeted work with whole families where there are older children.
  • Young Hackney.  Young Hackney runs youth clubs and adventure playgrounds, sports and youth leadership programmes.  It also offers young people 1:1 or small group support through its Early Help and Prevention and Substance Misuse teams, which can work in schools or out in the community.

To have your say on how the Council should approach Early Help for people in Hackney, complete our Early Help Survey at the link below.

The information you provide will be treated as confidential and made anonymous.


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