Lincoln Court online sessions registration - March 2021

Closed 21 Mar 2021

Opened 2 Mar 2021


Welcome to the Lincoln Court online sessions registration page. We would like to invite you to attend our online sessions on our proposals for new homes at Lincoln Court.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the consultation drop-in session events have been adapted to a ‘remote’ format. 

The sessions will be led by the project team and the architects. The team will present the updated proposals briefly and attendees will be able to ask any questions and discuss the plans in more detail with the project team.

Please RSVP by 2pm the day before for the Tuesday and Thursday sessions and by 2pm on Friday 20th March for the Sunday session.

Telephone call sessions

If you would like to discuss the consultation proposals and you are not able to take part in the online sessions, feel contact Angela, the Project Officer, on or 020 8356 1165 to arrange a convenient time for a telephone session.

Information packs

If you would like to request a hard copy of the materials that we will be using,
please contact Angela using the details above and we will deliver these items directly to you.


All of the materials will be available on our website


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