Housing Strategy 2017
Results updated 16 Aug 2017
Thank you those who responded to our Housing Strategy consultation or took part in focus groups on specific themes.
Generally, the responses show strong support for the Council’s proposals – with measures to improve energy efficiency, improving conditions in the private rented sector and building new homes that local people can afford among those ranked most important.
Private tenants who took part in focus groups also broadly supported the Council’s proposals for the private rented sector, and strongly supported greater enforcement powers than the Council currently has to help raise standards in the sector.
Council officers will take all of the feedback into account when developing the final Housing Strategy and action plan, which is expected to be considered by the Council’s Cabinet later this year.
- Housing_Strategy_consultation_report_2017.pdf, 2.5 MB (PDF document)
The Housing Strategy will set out the Council’s priorities and vision for working towards everyone in Hackney having a genuinely affordable, good quality and secure home. It will build on what residents have told us already and recognise what other housing providers and partners can do to help build mixed and sustainable communities.
Why your views matter
We’re developing a new Housing Strategy for the next five years that will set out how the Council and its partners will work to tackle residents’ concerns and help achieve their ambitions.
We want to hear the views of everyone in Hackney about what the most important housing priorities should be so we can make sure our strategy reflects the views of our borough’s residents.
The options are grouped under six key themes:
- Building high quality, well-designed, and genuinely affordable new homes
- Strategic response to worsening housing affordability
- Making best use of new and existing homes
- Addressing standards and affordability in the private rented sector
- Meeting people’s housing needs and helping tackle housing-related health and support needs
Promoting employment and sustainable communities
- Understanding views
- Gathering ideas
- Sustainability
- Planning
- Regeneration
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