Burma Court Estate, Arakan House and Clissold Small Blocks TRA Consultation

Closed 17 Aug 2023

Opened 10 Jul 2023


Burma Court Estate, Arakan House and Clissold Small Blocks has had a Tenant and Residents Association (TRA) for many years but for various reasons it has not been formerly active. A TRA is a group of residents who meet regularly to discuss ways to improve the Estate and the area they live in. This includes liaising with the Housing Officer, organising events for residents, and bringing funding and community projects to the Estate which improve everyone's lives. It is a great way of meeting neighbours, learning more about Housing Services and making a positive impact to your local community. There are many different ways you can be involved with your TRA, from being the Chair to a Block Representative. We understand everyone has busy lives and any role needs to fit easily into that. 

Hackney Council's Resident Participation Team would like to encourage all residents to let us know if you still want to have a TRA, would prefer a smaller TRA or if not, what community engagement would you prefer?

We are also interested to know who is currently managing the community garden spaces and if anyone else is interested in getting involved? 


  • Communication