Harman Estate Cycle Storage
Harman Estate Cycle Storage Consultation
Housing Services want to encourage Harman Estate residents to cycle as much as possible. We know that some residents don't have room to store a bike in their home and it's important that internal communal areas are kept clear for Health and Safety reasons. Therefore we are considering installing two bike hangers and bike rails on the estate.
We want to find out how much demand there is for additional secure cycle storage and free standing rails on the Harman Estate. We also need to know how this demand is spread across the estate, so we can install bike hangers where they're most needed.
How much will it cost?
To rent a space in the lockable cycle hanger for the whole year, it will cost £30. You will be provided with a key. The cycle rack will be free of charge and available for residents and their visitors.
To view the proposal and to have your say by Sunday 22nd August 2021, please fill out this short online survey. For more information regarding this consultation please email surma.begum@hackney.gov.uk or call 020 8356 3330.
What happens next
Once we have an idea of how much demand there is for additional secure cycle storage on Harman Estate, and which blocks need it most, Housing Services will make a decision and communicate this to residents.
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