Improving signage on Hackney’s Council estates

Closed 17 Feb 2020

Opened 18 Dec 2019

Results updated 25 Sep 2020



The Council own and manage more than 30,000 homes across hundreds of estates in Hackney, with a huge mix of styles ranging from 1930s mansions blocks to 1960s towers and brand new 21st Century Council homes.

While every estate has its own distinct character, they want to ensure the information and signage across all of our homes is inclusive, legible, and up-to-date, helping residents feel proud of where they live.

The estates use a wide variety of signage from different eras, much of which refers to Hackney Homes – the former management organisation that has now brought back in-house by the Council.

The Council also have over 2,000 noticeboards across our estates, including many that are very well used and managed, but with some that require updating and don’t include up to date information.

The Council is introducing a series of ideas for new signage designs to pilot on seven estates across the borough, including street and block naming, maps wayfinding (or directional signage) and preventative signage like ‘no ball games notices’. This will help them choose a final approach to signage that can be rolled out across all homes and estates in the borough.

Meanwhile, they are also looking at rationalising our noticeboards to minimise underused and unmanaged boards, as well as testing out new digital noticeboards that can improve our communication with residents.

Why your views matter

The aim of the consultation is for Hackney Council to consult with local residents on the pilot estates regarding four types of signage included within the project. This is so that they can make any changes to the proposed signage before rolling it out across the rest of the borough alongside the Capital Works programme.


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