Hoxton Community Pilot Autumn 2022

Closed 11 Sep 2022

Opened 31 Aug 2022

Results expected 13 Sep 2022

Feedback expected 20 Sep 2022


Our Resident Participation team is in conversation with local residents and providers to bring a number of activities to local community halls this Autumn. We want these to attract and support a diverse group of our residents - and this will be best achieved if we co-develop the programme to include activities you are interested in!

Your responses will help inform what activities will be organised at Provost and Geffrye community halls. We will feedback to the community by mid-September, with activities planned for October to December. 

We want to hear from residents living on our estates which are within a maximun of 15 min walk from both Geffrye and Provost community halls. 

Why your views matter

Help us decide the programme by telling us what would be most interesting and supportive for you and your family.



  • Community Drop-in Session at Provost Hall

    From 6 Sep 2022 at 11:00 to 6 Sep 2022 at 13:00

    Join us at Provost Hall for a chat and help us plan a variety of activities in our community halls this Autumn.

    6th September, 11 am to 1 pm
    Provost Community Hall
    49 Provost St, N1 7NZ

  • Community Drop-in Session at Geffrye Hall

    From 6 Sep 2022 at 16:30 to 6 Sep 2022 at 18:30

    Join us at Geffrye Hall for a chat and help us plan a variety of activities in our community halls this Autumn.

    6th September, 4:30-6:30 pm
    Geffrye Community Hall
    Falkirk Street, N1 6SD


  • Hoxton East and Shoreditch
  • Hoxton West


  • Residents


  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas