Recruitment to Resident Liaison Group

Closed 14 Nov 2018

Opened 4 Sep 2018


Join the resident panel and help improve your estate and neighbourhood. 

We are looking for residents who have a passion for improving the communities they live in and to sit on a panel that has direct influence on how housing services provided by the Council are run and delivered.

 The role, in the Resident Liaison Group (RLG), means you will get to make a real impact on council housing, estates and neighbourhoods by monitoring, evaluating, idea-sharing, and looking critically at what the Council is doing or proposing to do on all services affecting tenants and leaseholders.

As part of this group, which is the highest level of resident involvement, you will look at the performance and policies of housing services and work directly with the Housing Director and the Cabinet Member for Housing Services to influence change and help drive improvements.

You do not need a qualification to access this position but the Council is looking for people with these sorts of traits:

•        Good communication skills

•        Good team spirit

•        Positive problem-solving attitude

•        Ability to express critical opinions in a constructive manner

•        Creative and innovative approach to problems

•        Passionate about Hackney

•        Knowledgeable of your area and of the borough as a whole

•        Desire to learn about housing services

•        Availability to undertake occasional training

•        Willingness to make a real impact to the local communities in Hackney

•        Willingness to represent the community fairly and evenly.

The Council would like new recruits to not be linked to any tenant and resident association (TRA) or supported resident group. This is to get a wider perspective on the housing services it currently delivers.




  • Democracy and participation