Resident Engagement Strategy Consultation

Closed 4 Sep 2022

Opened 9 Jun 2022


Last year, Housing Services ran the largest consultation we have ever carried out to find out your views on how we talk and listen to people living in Hackney Council homes.  

Thousands of you - including people who don’t normally get involved in our services -  gave us your views. The new draft Housing Services Resident Engagement Strategy is based on the feedback you gave us about the areas we need to focus on to improve.

It  includes a wide range of proposals designed to help enable you to get more involved in influencing our services and enhancing the quality of life in your local area, as well as offering better support to our tenants and residents’ groups.

Why your views matter

We are really keen to get your views on the draft strategy - and find out if we have missed anything that matters to you.

Please tell us what you think by completing our survey.

Key parts of the strategy are highlighted in the survey. However, if you want to look at the whole document please click here: Draft Resident Engagement Strategy

For a summary leaflet of the draft strategy please click her: Summary leaflet for draft Resident Engagement Strategy

To thank you for your time, if you leave us your contact details at the end of the survey, we will enter your name into a prize draw to win £100 in Love2Shop vouchers

We will contact the winner after the consultation closes in September.

If you need the consultation survey in a different format please email  We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 5 working days.

What happens next

Thank you for giving us your feedback on this consultation. All feedback will be analysed and taken into consideration so that any amendments to the strategy can be made prior to approval.


  • Understanding views