Resident led Improvements

Closed 14 Apr 2019

Opened 29 Mar 2019

Results updated 10 Jul 2019



Hackney Council are seeking your ideas on what residents would like to improve on their estate. The Resident Led Improvement Budget (RLIB) is a pot of money which can be spent to improve your estate such as the creation of a community garden, redecorating a community hall or play area on an estate. This also includes improvements made to existing structures on your estate like play equuipment or broken windows. Examples from previous years are; improved fencing around grass areas; improved security in and around blocks; setting up a community garden. The only limit is that it has to be for the benefit of the estate!


Why your views matter

To help us decide how to spend the money we need the views of the residents. Once we have your ideas we will select the best options to implement on your estate. We will try and implement as many as we can but unfortunately we cannot promise they will all happen.

For more information about the RLIB and to have your say by Sunday 7th April, please visit or call 0208 356 3330

What happens next

Thank you for your views and feedback.

Following this consultation, from the 8th to 11th of April there will be walkabouts on your estae with an housing officer where you can discuss more about this fund and how it could be used. 

Your ideas and suggestions will help develop ideas for the Resident Led Improvement Budget. We will update residents on the final projects once they have been approved.


  • Gathering ideas