Induction Review for Managers

Closed 25 Nov 2016

Opened 14 Nov 2016

Results expected 2 Dec 2016

Feedback expected 2 Dec 2016


The Induction Review, as part of the Change for Everyone Programme, will look at the current induction package for the the corporate, local and new manager induction strands to see what works well and how it can be improved.

This is building on our current offer for new starters, ensuring they understand the Council and its values, feel welcomed and are equipped with the right knowledge and skills to perform effectively and deliver great results for people who live, work in and visit our borough.

Why your views matter

The research and recommendations will be used to create a more joined-up and holistic induction package which better reflects the needs of all stakeholders – the new staff member, their manager and the organisation as a whole. This consultation is important in order to capture the needs of new starters and line managers and suggestions they have about how the current process can be improved.

The consultation is open for two weeks from Monday 14 November to Friday 25 November 2016.



  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas