Clapton Pond play area improvements

Closed 8 Apr 2021

Opened 25 Feb 2021

Feedback updated 24 Nov 2021

We asked

We asked you for feedback on our design proposals to improve the play area in Clapton Pond.  

You said

57 people fed back on the design proposals. 70% liked the designs and 77% liked the proposed equipment. 81% supported the idea to add mounds to the lawn area to make it more playable. People also gave us feedback about other aspects of the play area that were addressed in the final set of designs and are outlined in the consultation report. 

Read the consultation report 

We did

As a result of the consultation we changed the park gates to make them self closing and we will be installing new bins to make it easier to recycle onsite. We will also continue to discuss with the relevant teams the issue of pollution in and around the park and anti social behaviour.   

Work was completed on th play area in November 2021. 



Have your say on the refurbishment of the play area in Clapton Pond

Due to the current social distancing restrictions we aren’t able to run design and feedback sessions with children, families and schools in the way we usually do. If you have children in your home we’d love to hear what they think of the designs. Please include their views when completing the survey.

You can view the design by clicking on the link below.

Clapton Pond play area design


  • Understanding views
  • Children and young people
  • Parks & green spaces