Clissold Park Runners Survey

Closed 20 Jun 2015

Opened 9 May 2015


Clissold Park opened in 1889 and the park remains one of the most popular in Hackney and last year received over 3 million visits.

Many of the park’s visitors enjoy taking part in physical activity with running being particularly popular. We want to ensure runners have the best possible experience at Clissold Park and we welcome your views in our survey.


Why your views matter

The Council wants to know your views on running in Clissold Park so that we can continue to improve our services.
We ask you to have your say by taking a few minutes to fill in this short 
questionnaire, helping us to better understand how you use Clissold Park for your run, what you like best about it and what you think we can do to make it better.


  • Parks & green spaces