Licensing 'Mini' Consultation
Background Information in relation to the Draft Policy
The Licensing Act 2003 requires each local authority to publish a Statement of Licensing Policy and review it at least once every five years, this process also requires there to be a consultation on any Policy to be introduced. The Statement must establish the principles to be applied when determining applications under the Act, such as applications for the sale/supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and the provision of late night refreshment.
On 25 March 2015 the Council’s Licensing Committee approved a draft Policy for consultation. The intention was that this Policy would become effective in January 2016. The consultation on the draft Policy commenced on 25 May 2015 and concluded on 14 August 2015.
During the consultation period officers became aware of an error in the consultation material. The error meant that the times stated in the proposed “Borough-wide Hours” table for music/dance venues, theatres and cinemas, takeaways/fast-food premises, other indoor entertainment venues and qualifying clubs in the consultation summary did not accord with those proposed in the draft Policy approved by the Licensing Committee on 25 March 2015.
Why your views matter
On 11 August 2015 it was announced that the Licensing Committee would propose to re-adopt the current licensing policy as an interim measure following the discovery of an error in the published consultation material. A further substantive consultation will be carried out in 2016. It was also announced that the consultation responses (for the period of May to August 2015) would be analysed. The report on this consultation will be presented to the Licensing Committee in November 2015.
The new draft Policy for approval, as was indicated on 11 August 2015, is essentially the 2011 Policy as amended in 2014. This has been carefully revised to reflect the current legislation and remove some of the elements that date the document, without changing the overall effect of the current Policy. For example, references to “interested parties” and “entertainment facilities” have been removed along with the Chapter referring to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games as a future event.
A short consultation period commenced on 28 September and will conclude at 5pm on 12 October 2015. Any feedback received during this period will also be analysed and then presented to the Licensing Committee on 10 November 2015 and Full Council on 24 November 2015.
Please refer to the 'Related Documents' section should you wish to view the actual changes that has been made to the current Policy.
To give us your views, send any comments you may have by no later than 5pm on Monday 12 October to: or by post to FREEPOST HACKNEY LICENSING SERVICE.
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