New Housing Development in Hackney - the Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission are seeking residents' views

Closed 11 Dec 2014

Opened 17 Sep 2014


A group of Councillors are carrying out an independent review of housing in Hackney.

They are focusing on new housing developments, and the extent to which they offer opportunities to residents across all income groups to rent, buy or access shared ownership properties in the borough.

The Committee is very keen to hear the views of people living in the borough. They want to hear about general views of the housing market in Hackney, the role and approach that they feel that the Council should take towards new housing developments, and what the Council may be able to do practically to improve things. By completing this survey you will make this possible.

More information around the review is available on a dedicated webpage -



  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas
  • Councillors