Fairholt Road - Boundary Change

Closed 14 Oct 2019

Opened 2 Sep 2019

Results updated 16 Jan 2020

We are pleased to announce that the result of the Fairholt Road Boundary Change consultation has now been confirmed. A copy of the approved delegated report which details the decision made by the Council has been attached below. Summary leaflets detailing the results of the consultation and final decision made by the Council will shortly be sent out by post to all residents and businesses in the area.



Since the publication of the Parking Zone V consultation results in July 2019 (see delegated report https://consultation.hackney.gov.uk/parking-services/zone-v/results/delegatedreport-zonev.pdf), the Council has received requests and a petition from residents of Fairholt Road for controls to be introduced (see consultation documents). This is due to parking stress caused by an increased number of drivers seeking parking spaces on this street. 

In response to these requests received and to make it easier for residents on Fairholt Road to park close to their properties, we are proposing to amend the Parking Zone G boundary and include Fairholt Road and Fairholt Close as part of this zone.  

Parking Services are carrying out a "combined" stage 1 and 2 consultation to ensure that controls are implemented in a timely manner if the decision is made to include Fairholt Road and Fairholt Close in Parking Zone G. 

We are requesting your feedback on:

  • Support for a boundary change 
  • The proposed design of parking controls for the area 

Please see the attached map and letter for more information about the area being consulted and the proposed design of parking restrictions. 

If the boundary change proposal is approved, Fairholt Road will adopt the same hours of Zone G which are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.30pm. 

Data Protection

Hackney Council is a Data Controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We hold the information given to us for the specific purpose of processing and managing parking consultations only. Under the GDPR any information you provide may be disclosed to other organisations in order for this local authority to perform its duty to protect public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided for prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.

You can read more information about this, and also about your Data Protection rights in line with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 by going to https://www.hackney.gov.uk/privacy. This includes how to contact the Data Protection Officer, how long your information is held, and how we process your personal information. Printed copies of the Council’s Privacy Notices can be provided on request.


  • Traffic and transportation
  • Parking