Stage One consultation on the Introduction of Parking Controls in proposed zone V area (Woodberry Down, Stamford Hill West and Springfield wards)

Closed 17 Oct 2018

Opened 15 Aug 2018

Results updated 19 Jul 2019

We are pleased to announce that the result of the Stage One consultation for parking controls, in proposed zone V area is now available on our website. A copy of the delegated report which details the decision made by the Council has been attached below. Summary leaflets detailing the results of the consultation and final decision made by the Council will shortly be sent out by post to all residents and businesses in the area. 




Parking Services consulted you and surrounding roads in your area between October and November 2015 on the introduction of parking controls.

The results of the consultation indicated that none of the streets in your area were in support of parking controls so these were not introduced.

Since then, we have received both a petition and individual requests from residents for parking controls to be introduced in your area in order to:

  • Improve road safety
  • Reduce parking stress caused by either ‘displacement parking’ from residents in nearby zones or from commuter parking.

Due to the requests received, parking stress surveys were carried out in the area which have confirmed that some of the roads do currently suffer from high parking pressure. As a result, we are reconsulting residents and businesses within your area to provide you with another opportunity to have your say on whether you would like parking controls implemented on your road. Please see enclosed map which identifies the boundary of the area being consulted.

Please note, this is a Stage 1 Consultation where a decision is being made on whether parking controls should be introduced or not. If there is support for parking controls in your area, we will carry out a Stage 2 consultation to consult you on the design of parking controls and the hours of operation for your area at a later stage.

Consultation Feedback

Due to the high amount of feedback received to the consultation, it is taking longer than anticipated to analyse the consultation results. We now aim to provide feedback to the consultation by the end of May 2019. Please accept our apologies for the delay. 


  • Traffic and transportation
  • Parking
  • Pollution
  • Sustainability
  • Business