Dalston Quarter consultation

Closed 30 Apr 2017

Opened 20 Feb 2017


Hackney Council is gathering views from residents, businesses and community groups on the principles which could shape the development of the Dalston Quarter.

The Dalston Quarter refers to a group of Council owned buildings in the area around Ashwin Street and parts of Dalston Lane (see enclosed map) and forms part of Dalston Town Centre. Dalston Town Centre is undergoing rapid change, and there is potential for the creative and cultural benefits of the Council-led Dalston Quarter to help shape the development of privately owned sites in and around the wider town centre – which will include longer term challenges from the future arrival of Crossrail 2.

The Council values the special character of the Dalston Quarter as a centre for business, employment and recreation, and is exploring how it can best use the sites it owns in the area to help ensure this is maintained on a more permanent basis.

This will include introducing new development designed to enhance its already distinct character and ensure the delivery of cultural/creative and employment floorspace that might not otherwise come forward if the sites were developed as part of a private led development without the Council’s involvement. In addition, the new development would help to secure the refurbishment and longevity of existing buildings of heritage value, and assist in providing greater certainty to existing temporary uses that build on the successes of the area.

This consultation sets out some draft development principles for the Dalston Quarter for you to comment on and help shape its future. These principles, once agreed, would form the basis for any future development proposals, which will also be consulted on at an early draft stage.

For clarification, the recent consultation on the Dalston Lane West Conservation Area Extension is part of a separate consultation. If you wish to find out more about the Conservation Area then it can be found by visiting consultation.hackney.gov.uk

Please read the consultation documents for more information, which can be accessed via the 'Related Documents' section below.


  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas