Draft Local Plan 2033

Closed 4 Dec 2017

Opened 23 Oct 2017


Following consultation held last year on challenges, issues and opportunities for the Local Plan 2033, Hackney Council is now consulting on a draft Plan.

This Plan sets out the planning policies to guide and manage development and investment in the borough for the next 10 to 15 years.

Please take the time to read through the draft Local Plan 2033 and tell us what you think. 

What is the Local Plan 2033?

The Local Plan sets out a vision for what Hackney will be like in 2033 and the planning policies to guide and manage development and investment in the borough. It will help to ensure that the right amount of development happens in the right place to meet the needs of the borough. 

What is in the draft Local Plan 2033?

The draft Local Plan 2033 covers a wide range of topics including: housing, jobs, community facilities, town centres, transport, open spaces, heritage and design, climate change and the environment.



  • Understanding views
  • Planning