Sustainable Design and Construction Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Closed 22 Oct 2015

Opened 13 Aug 2015

Results expected 26 Nov 2015


The Council has prepared the Draft Sustainable Design and Construction SPD to inform the Energy and Sustainability policies set out within Hackney’s adopted Core Strategy and the Development Management Local Plan.

This Draft SPD is intended to provide guidance on how sustainable design and construction can be embedded into development in Hackney. It has multiple audiences - the public, developers, and those submitting planning applications.  It identifies the most important matters that should be incorporated into any scheme in order to maximise sustainable design and carbon reduction in future developments within Hackney.

The Draft SPD is not intended to be prescriptive. It provides strategic level guidance as a starting point for discussion between the applicant’s design team and the Council.

This Draft SPD sets out possible design options based on different types of buildings. The opportunities to reduce carbon range from simple to technically complex and from low to significant cost. The intention of this SPD is to provide well designed buildings with sustainability measures incorporated up front, that will provide carbon and financial benefits throughout the building’s lifetime.

This consultation will run for a period of 10 weeks from the 13 August closing on 22nd October  A  copy of the Draft document will be available for the duration of the consultation in the Hackney Service Centre on Hillman Street at the Duty Planners Desk.

Why your views matter

In light of the recent and continuing legislative changes issued by central government we would like to hear your views on the Council’s approach taken in the Draft SPD.

The Council would also like to gauge opinions on sustainable materials in Hackney, including your views on the embodied energy of construction materials. It is recognised that materials have different impacts on the environment through their production and use, and the Council would like to use this consultation as an opportunity to inform and expand its knowledge on sustainable Construction Materials.

Please refer to the Draft SPD document and summary in the related section before responding to the consultation.



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