Community Safety Partnership Survey- Strategic Assessment and Priorities

Closes 16 Mar 2025

Opened 28 Jan 2025


Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) (formerly known as Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships) were formed in 1998 under the Crime and Disorder Act. They bring local partners together to develop and implement local strategies to reduce crime, disorder, and antisocial behaviour (ASB) in their communities. In order to do this, they must work together to deliver joined up, effective and long-lasting solutions to local problems outlined in a 3-year plan.

A strategic assessment combines and analyses information and data from a range of sources, and this in turn forms the evidence base on which the CSP sets priorities and develops the plan. This process takes a collaborative approach, it does not represent the view of any one partner, but rather identifies the key issues common to all.

As part of the evidence gathering process CSPs are required to consult with and take account of input from local communities. In Hackney we are about to review our evidence base and would like to hear from our communities about the issues that matter to them the most, and what they would like to see prioritised by the CSP in Hackney over the coming years.

By taking the time to answer this short questionnaire, you will help to shape the future direction of the CSP strategy.

The current plan can be found here.  Below is a list of current priorities:

A white and green list with black text

Description automatically generated

Give us your views


  • Understanding views
  • Gathering ideas