Community Strategy

Closed 14 Jan 2018

Opened 6 Nov 2017

Results updated 28 Aug 2018



The Community Strategy sets out the Council’s overarching vision for Hackney as it grows and changes over the next decade. It will provide a backdrop for all of our decision making throughout this period and a focus for working in partnership with residents, businesses, the voluntary and community sector, and statutory agencies. The strategy builds on what residents have told us already through the Hackney: A Place for Everyone consultation about the challenges and opportunities presented to those who live and work in the borough.

The new strategy will help us respond to residents’ experience of living in the borough, thinking about how we as a Council co-ordinate activity and collaborate with partners to think about the whole place, rather than just running individual services. This will help us put the needs, perspectives and feelings of the whole community at the heart of what we do, keeping us focused through a time of continued change and uncertainty. 

Why your views matter

In 2015, the Council carried out a major engagement exercise, ‘Hackney: A Place for Everyone’, and heard from over 4,500 local residents and businesses on their views of how the borough has changed and the challenges and opportunities this presents to their day to day lives in Hackney. This resident feedback was incorporated into the drafting of the Community Strategy but we now want to take a final chance to test the strategy with the people who live and work in the borough.

The strategy sets out our overall aspirations for Hackney in 2028 and then breaks this down into five key, crosscutting themes. Under each of the themes is a set of commitments we are making to move us toward Hackney 2028.

The 5 crosscutting themes are:

1.    A borough where there is a good quality of life and the whole community can benefit from growth

2.    A borough with residents who are ambitious, engaging and want to contribute to community life

3.    A green and environmentally sustainable borough

4.    An open, cohesive and supportive community

5.    A borough with healthy, active and independent residents


Consultation details:

Please read the consultation summary document before providing your feedback.  For more detail, please take a look at the full version of the Community Strategy.  

You will find links to both documents at the bottom of the page.


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