Equality Plan Consultation

Closed 21 Jan 2024

Opened 20 Nov 2023


In 2022, Hackney Council adopted a new Strategic Plan. This presents the Council's ambitions for the next four years. It also describes the key challenges. The plan sets out how we will respond, working with residents and partners. The plan includes commitments for how the Council maximises its own resources - jobs, contracts and making best use of our spaces and assets.

We are in one of the most difficult times in post war memory, with deep inequalities in society, and in our borough. The UK faces the most severe cost-of-living crisis in 40 years. Hackney residents are really struggling with this latest crisis. This comes after over a decade of austerity resulting from national government cuts and the pandemic.

This means that demand for support is increasing. Council budgets cannot keep up with the level of demand. We expect this situation to become even worse and we expect government cuts over the next few years.

This is a very challenging context. An equality plan will help focus on achieving fair outcomes for Hackney residents. We will have to make very difficult decisions about budgets and services over the next few years. The equality plan will help us understand the context for these decisions. It will help us to consider what we can do, if anything, to mitigate these actions.

This is an early draft of the Equality Plan. It is a summary version. We are inviting residents, community partners and statutory partners to help us shape this plan. The final version of the plan will be more detailed and incorporate insight gathered during this consultation. It will be presented to Full Council for adoption at a future date.

Please read the Equality Plan summary documents below before completing this survey. It should take approximately five minutes to complete. If you need any information on this website in a different format please email research@hackney.gov.uk. We will consider your request and get back to you within 5 working days.


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